Atlantic, Wasp, Avenger (MLD), Pilatus PC-7 (KLu)
Indeed the 100th version of a Dutch Decal set since the start in 1986, 35 years ago and with a nice variety of subjects.
What are the possibilities:
- Breguet Atlantic, SP-13A 250 – 258, VSO 321 MLD, Valkenburg - Revell.
- Pilatus PC-7 L-01/L-13, 131 Squadron EMVO Klu, Woensdrecht – Planet
- Westland Wasp SH-12A 236/K, MLD, VSQ 860, De Kooy
- Westland Wasp SH-12A 237/EV, on board Hr. Ms. Evertsen
(1/72 model of the Wasp – Airfix Scout with Air Graphics conversionset HAS.1, of Airwaves Wasp conversion. Of de Air-Graphics full resin option).
- Grumman TBM-3E2 Avenger, “Goofy” A-12, MLD VSQ 2, on board Hr.Ms. Karel Doorman – Sword.
It takes some puzzling to figure out which "versions" you can build using the decal set. Dutch Decals itself does not give a definite answer about this. For example, you can build every Atlantic that has flown, but you only have 4 roundels, for example. The diagram shown is of the 257 that crashed into the sea off the coast of Wassenaar. Gerrit Sterken, yes the one from the diorama of "Klein MKVK" turned it into a beautiful diorama. The same goes for the PC-7, again, too few roundels in my opinion. The Wasp offers both possibilities.
Note when unpacking, there is a small loose decal with the animal images for the PC-7, just something to get lost.
Dutch Decal also offers any rosettes separately, for example for those who want to build the complete 131 squadron.
Thanks to Dutch Decal for making it available for review.
Reviewer : Fred Bachofner
TIP: check out our NedMil information pages about these Dutch used military aircraft....
this article was published Summer 2022 by M. de Vreeze